a cup of tea
349 intimate letters to disciples and friends
written from 1962 to 1971
published in english : 1980
enlightenment :
the only revolution
discourses on the great mystic ashtavakra
talks given in poona one
from 11.09.76 – 20.09.76
published in english : 1997
beware of socialism
talks given at cross maidan bombay
from 13.4.70 to 17.4.70
original in hindi
published in english : 1978
die o yogi die
talks on the great tantra master gorakh
orignal title : death is divine
talks given in poona one
from 1.10.78 to 10.10.78
original in hindi
published in english : 1994
dimensions beyond
the known
talks given from 1.2.71 to 31.3.71
original in hindi
published in english : 1979
finger pointing to the moon
discourses on the adhyatma upanishad
talks given in mount abu rajastan
from 13.10.72 am to 21.10.72 pm
original in hindi
published in english : 1994
from sex to
talks given from 01.8.68 to 30.10.68
original in hindi
published in english : 1979
the heartbeat of the absolute
discourses on the ishavasya upanishad
talks given during an early meditation camp
from 4.4.71 to 10.4.71
original in hindi
published in english : 1980
hidden mysteries
early talks
given from 01.4.71 to 31.10.71
original in hindi
published in english : 1997
in search of the miraculous
vol 1
talks given in meditation camps at bombay
and nargol. previously published as “the
mystic experience”
from 2.5.70 to 31.7.70
original in hindi
published in english : 1984
in search of the miraculous
vol 2
talks given in meditation camps at bombay
and nargol. previously published as “the
mystic experience”
from 2.5.70 to 31.7.70
original in hindi
published in english : 1984
krishna :
the man and his philosophy
discourses on krishna
talks given in kullu valley manali
from 20.7.70 to 5.10.70
original in hindi
published in english : 1985
meditation :
the art of ecstasy
the 1st edition was called
“the dynamics of meditation”
talks given from 1970 to 1972
original in hindi
published in english : 1983
nowhere to go but in
responses to questions from seekers
talks given from 29.5.74 am to 9.6.74 am
original in hindi
published in english : 1995
revolution in education
various miscellaneous talks given around
india in the 1960’s on the subject of
talks given from 1967 to 1969
original in hindi
published in english : 1997
the great path – shiva sutras
talks given from 11.9.74 to 20.9.74
original in hindi
published in english : 1994
nine sutras
also published as “sun of consciousness”
talks given in poona one
from 17.10.70 to 20.10.70
original in hindi
the true name
vol 1
discourses on japuji-saheb of
guru nanak dev
talks given in poona one
from 21.11.74 to 30.11.74
original in hindi
published in english : 1993
the true name
vol 2
discourses on japuji-saheb of
guru nanak dev
talks given in poona one
from 1.12.74 to 10.12.74
original in hindi
published in english : 1993
the beginning of the
early talks
from 25.2.69 pm to 27.2.69 pm
original in hindi
published in english : 1969 – 1979
the eternal quest
120 questions and responses about
the inner search
talks given from 1967 to 1972
original in hindi
published in english : 1980
the inner journey
spontaneous talks given by osho to
disciples and friends at a meditation camp
in ajol – gujarat india
talks given from 3.2.68 am to 5.2.68 pm
original in hindi
published in english : 1996
the long the short and the all
a collection of excerpts from early
discourses and letters on varies subjects
talks given possibly in kulu manali
in august 1969
original in hindi
published in english : 1975
the perennial path :
the art of living
talks given from 9.11.70 to 16.11.70
original in hindi
published in english : 1972
the perfect way
talks from his first meditation camp
at ranakpur in the hills of rajasthan
and a subsequent camp in ajol gujurat
from 03.06.64 to 08.06.64
original in hindi
published in english : 1979
the song of ecstasy
talks on adi shankara’s bhaj govindam the
eighth-century indian enlightened mystic
the original working title was “the great
talks given from 11.11.1975 to 20.11.1975
published in english : 1994
what is rebellion ?
later retitled “the hippie rebellion”
talk given in the university of jabalpur
from 31.03.70
original in hindi
published in english : 1972